In "Democracy Arrives In Iraq!"

I don't know if I'd consider a constitution written at gunpoint by an occupying force to be anything resembling democracy.

In "No Monkey!"

I think the dialogue was something to the effect of "No Monkey! No Monkey! No Monkey!" I don't think it was meant to impress so much as just be something silly involving a monkey.

In "My Space Journal of a 16 Year Old Gay Kid."

The General has a typically brilliant take on all of this. Here's his letter to the guy who runs the program.

In "Diet Coke"

Another diabetic chiming in on this... I had the Splenda sweetened diet coke for the first time last week. I thought it tasted really good. It tastes more like regular coke than nutri-sweetened diet coke, and it mixed nicely with bourbon. Too much splenda will definitely give you some bad gas (at least it does with me), so watch out with that stuff!

In "Crochet muffs."

Hey, don't miss the Vagina Lady! She had a booth across from my wife's booth at a craft fair last winter.

In "Chocolate."

From the NSFW link, don't miss Jizzy Lizzy!

In "Old time music"

I found that site recently when looking for some music to put into a short film. Naughty Hula Eyes and the original versin of When The Levee Breaks fit very nicely.

In "Curious George - Musical George"

I got a bunch of old public domain recordings here, mostly old blues, country and other old timey stuff. I used two songs from that site in this short (self link/15mbQT).

In "Curious George - Cool, funky restaurants/dives in DC?"

Oh yeah, for Soul Food, check out the Florida Ave. Grill.

I lived in DC for about 7 years before moving away, and many of my favorites have been mentioned. Bens, Meskeram, Dukem, District Chophouse (try the bourbon stout, absolutely AMAZING!). My favorite Vietnamese place was Nam Viet on Connecticut by the Cleveland Park metro (across the street and down from the Uptown Theater). Also, check out Lebanese Taverna at the Woodly Park metro. And there are some really good touristy seafood places by the Waterfront metro.

In "A list of "Road" Songs"

They also missed Kermit the Frog and Fozzy Bear's classic Moving Right Along Movin' right along Foot-loose and fancy free. Gettin' there is half the fun; come share it with me. Movin' right along! Doog-a-doog-a-doog-a-doo We'll learn to share the load. We don't need a map to keep this show on the road.

In "Hi, "

Until I registered my full name as a domain and started blogging, the top google hit for my name was some convicted pedophile.

In "Photo Mosaic of GW Bush made with photos of the American Dead in Iraq."

Don't forget this photo mosaic of Bush which sums up his personality well.

In "Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974 "

My wife came across the whole set of these in my grandmother's house and I posted a bunch of them (with the recipes) here. There are some duplicates with the original link, and some that are completely different. My personal favorite is the Crown Roast of Frankfurters. Remember monkeys, frankfurters are pre-cooked. Whatever you do, DO NOT allow for 2 ounces of shrinkage!

In "RealDoll"

Real Doll Vs Superbabe

In "Monkey Bites Toddler In New York City Supermarket"

Uh oh, isn't that how Dead Alive (or Braindead, depending where you're from) started?

In "Castle."

Man, those big trolls are tough! I only made it as far as stage 15.

In "Ooooo, baby...more gas, more GAS!"

All those women farting, and none of them farting on a cake.

In "Responsible Shopper."

Co-op America, the organization behind these sites and others including,, and other sites are a wonderful organization! I worked on their web team for two years and it was one of the best workplaces ever. Everybody working there are extremely dedicated to sustainability and they really walk their talk. People bike to work from the outlying suburbs. Everything that can possibly be recycled is recycled. When we had a cockroach problem, we brought in an exterminator who used non-toxic products. Every two weeks the entire staff would get together to prepare the majority of our bulk mailing. The majority of decision making is made by consensus. Half of their board of directors are required to be staff members. And they work on so many different things, from solar energy to organic foods, to fair trade products to Socially Responsible Investing. I could go on and on about what a great organization Co-op America is and what an incredible bunch of people work there. If you can support them, please do.

In "Spider-Man comics as you've never seen them before."

"Mysterioso to Spiderman: Hello, I am so gay for you!"

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)